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Foundation v6.5.0

This release is based on `v6.5.0-rc.4` and simply provides additional fixes in
the documentation and an improved test flow.

Note about this release: As this version was built to have the best
compatibility with `v6.4.4-rc1`, we used a dedicated branch and manually picked
safe changes from the development branch `develop`, excluding API evolutions and
breaking changes. These imported changes are the `Use pull request #xxx` commits
you can see in this pull request. Development will continue on `develop` and
will lead to a future release with all changes, including new features and
breaking changes.

Changes from v6.5.0-rc.4
* 📖  #11545 - Fix plugins instantiation examples in Javascript docs (@ncoden)
* 📖  #11548 - Fix "Converts" misspelling in `-zf-bp-serialize` docs (@joshwhatk)
* 📖  #11549 - Make Callout closable in the first Close Button example (@ncoden)
* 🚨  #11550 - Run Sass unit tests in the Travis CI flow (@ncoden)
* 🚨  #11560 - Run tests on Node 6, 8, 10 and stable (@DanielRuf)
* 💻  #11560 - Update dependencies (2018-10-24) (@ncoden)

* Daniel Ruf ( [1]
* Josh Friend ( [1]
* Nicolas Coden ( [5]

Special thanks to
* Daniel Ruf ( for his assistance in issues and his
  reviews of pull requests.
* Kai Falkowski ( for his assistance in issues and
  his reviews of pull requests.
* Katerina Limpitsouni ( for the assets used in the