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  • Danny Brown's avatar
    Chore/kill yalc with fire (#629) · 08ff214e
    Danny Brown authored
    * init
    * more shifting
    * Move @babel dependencies up to workspace root
    * Begin updating dependent libraries to use sync'd webpack builds w/ watches
    * Commit changes before a long weekend
    * Split packages into platform and extensions
    * Consolidate how/where we specify file/module type entrypoints
    * Make it possible to pass in extensions as App props
    * Resolve viewer's modules
    * Target for UMD bundle
    * Add Webpack Stylus loader
    * Provide WebPack build options for microscopy, vtk, and ui
    * Better entrypoint for extensions
    * Push changes up to switch PCs
    * Fix ESM symlink build for Viewers
    * Shift docs to root
    * Specify additional lerna config props
    * Begin providing basic readme info
    * Rename example extension folder
    * Shift links to bottom of doc
    * First attempt at a netlify deploy preview
    * Attempt to fix deploy preview build
    * push workspace enabled to initial command; remove second yarn install; use npx to ...
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