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Add support for parsing datetime strings and for querying on a resource's "modified/last update" time

Rob Oakes requested to merge roakes/nsync-jc4 into master
  • Add support for parsing datetime strings in addition to date strings for date/time queries. Requires that a field be registered with Orthanc and that the fields for a resource be indexed.
  • Added Modified and LastUpdate to the fields which can be queried, allowing for results to be filtered to those modified in a specific window.
  • Added Modified and LastUpdate to the fields for ordering results.
  • Fixed "ghost bug" which was causing resources to be left in the cache after they had been removed from the database (#29 (closed)).
  • Added model and API endpoint for series "comments".
  • Added validation module
    • OrthancBaseForm: class based on pydantic to be used for data validation and cleanin
      • clean: perform data conversion and field validation. Based on Django form field of the same name.
      • save: persist data from the form to a model instance
Edited by Brandon Harper

Merge request reports
