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view3d: entry method and widgets for visualizing meshes and imaging volumes

Rob Oakes requested to merge roakes/nsync-jc into master
  • visualization.view3d: visualization method (equivalent to itkwidgets.view) for visualizing imaging volumes, meshes/geometries, labelmap images, and points. Provides a sidebar with controls to manage visualization options.l
  • widgets.volume.ImagingVolumeControlWidget: ipywidgets compatible control which can be used for exploring imaging volumes. Provides controls to modify opacity and a control to toggle a "slicer" for inspection of raw imaging data.
  • widgets.mesh.MeshControlWidget: ipywidgets compatible control which can be used for managing meshes within the view3d window. Implements controls for toggling the mesh on/off, modifying the color, and controlling the opacity.

Merge request reports
