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Labels 39

  • Operations
    Involves the operations of the technology. Might be related to platform, configuration, or runtime environment.
  • The feature has been implemented and is waiting to be reviewed or otherwise just hanging out. (Another way of saying, almost done.)
  • A planning item that tracks multiple issues or merge requests. (A really big piece of scope.)
  • It's not clear where a particular feature or piece of functionality fits into the broader market/picture. Could someone please look at that?
  • What are the real-world needs? What sorts of considerations do we need to look at?
  • We understand how something is going to work, but how is going to function, look, and feel?
  • Product team has finished the commercial assessment, ready to handoff.
  • How does a feature fit into the broader software? How do users enter and leave? How do we onboard and offboard?
  • Prototype
    The first time you attempt to do something, you'll get it wrong, so build a prototype first. (Another way of saying we might not know how to do this.)
  • Review / Staging
    The issue is currently in staging and requires review, or has appeared as part of quality assurance and needs to be addressed.
  • Specification
    Describe how something should be done so that when you start, you don't make a mess
  • Sprint: Current
    Issues that are queued to be worked on now (but are not currently in development)
  • Sprint: Future
    Issues that will be tackled at some future point (probably in a month)
  • Sprint: Planning
    Issues that are currently in the planning stage
  • Strategy
    Big picture discussions, clarificiations, and direction. “Where do we want to go?” rather than, “How do we get there?”
  • Test Case
    A specific use-case or set of criteria that needs to be captured in a test (which is preferably automated).
  • Testing
    The issue has been implemented, prepared, and packaged. It is currently waiting on the results of testing (unit, integration, functional, or production) before being closed. Basically, really almost done (for real).
  • To Do
    Oak-Tree / Medical Imaging / Sonador Imaging Platform
  • Upcoming/Holding
    Oak-Tree / Medical Imaging
    Stuff that we know we need to work on, but haven't prioritized yet.